If you are a Digital Artist, Photographer, Visual Artistic, Make-up Artist or Model, join our Facebook group “Cairns Artistic Photography (CAP)” and be a part of our Social Shoot Soiree events every 3 months. These events are unique to Cairns and are the biggest photographic collaboration events incorporating Models, Photographers, Make-up Artists and other Artists all performing interactively and simultaneously in Australia. Contact me today to find out how you can contribute to our events and experience creativity at its richest. This is a Closed Facebook Group open to collaborates only, sorry we don’t admit audiences. All attendees are participating components of each event. See more images from these events at: Social Shoot Soiree Gallery or keep up to date with posting from events at Frei Films on FB.
Cairns’ Social Shoot Soiree
Frei FilmsApril 05, 2018Photography0 comments